How to Go Back to iOS 15 without iTunes
How to Go Back to iOS 15 without iTunes
iOS 16 developer beta was launched in this morning,Many of iOS user were update to the newest system,But some of people find that they having problem in using iOS 16 beta,and want to go back to iOS 15, Today I will show you to do this easily,Go back iOS 15 with Tenorshare Reiboot,Before start, remember backup your iPhone, because downgrade process will erase all your data, You can check out the video on the right foot,This video will
show you how to backup your iPhone completely,After finished your backup.
Make sure you have a good network with you and it.The process will not be long, depending on your network condition, be patient,Tap start standard repair and it will have a pop up window alert you.Because it will do the deep repair to downgrade and the risk of that will erase all your data.Once confirmed, tap repair and it will start the process.You need to wait about ten minutes.
When it done, you can use your iPhone like brand new.Well done, Now you just need to reset your iPhone,I will skip this un important step, now your iPhone is get back toiOS 15.Okay, here is today’s tutorial, Hope you like it.If you meet some bugs while using ios 16 beta.