How to Update to iOS 16 Beta
How to Update to iOS 16 Beta – Tips Before Installing!
Today i wanted to share with you guys a few tips and recommendations, of what you should do before you update to ios 16 beta, now keep in mind that, when you go to update your device, things could go wrong, it’s always a possibility and is based on many users’ experience.
Step 1: Backup your iPhone
So the first thing is that backup your iPhone, go over to settings, tap your name, icloud, here you can select whatever you want to backup, just toggle these on, so that they are all included in your icloud backup, then tap icloud backup, right here
make sure that you have turned it on, and tap Back up now, Ok, you have your Backup on your iPhone, if you don’t have enough storage space in your icloud, just
go into manage storage right here, and you can delete some old backups, then go
into Backups, you can see old backups from different devices. if you dont need , just tap it, and tap delete backup, it can free up some space, If you didn’t buy icloud storage, then you should backup your iPhone on your computer, plug your iPhone into your PC with lightning cable, launch the latest version iTunes, Go to device management page, and click back up now, iTunes will start to back up your iPhone, The data will be saved to this location on your computer by default, So make sure you have enough storage on your C drive, if you want to change your backup path and view your data.
Step 2:. Use a Third Party Tool,
Here I recommend you to use a third party tool, Using Tenorshare iCareFone is the
new way to backup all your datas to pc, the software via the link in
description below, and launch it, When it connects to your iPhone, click backup &
restore,Click backup, Here we just select all data, You can set the backup to any location as you like. Then click backup, iCarefone will starts to back up your iPhone, just be patient. Once done, you can even view the backup data, here you can see your data, like contacts, photos, videos and etc.When you want to restore, just click restore to device, It will start to restore, now the next thing we want to do is make sure that, you have enough storage to and install the iOS 16 beta update, go to settings, general, down to iphone storage,you should see your storage right here,typically installing a new beta you’ll need at least about 10 gigs free, if you dont have enough storage, you can not iOS 16 profiles.
Step 3: Check Your Battery,
Make sure that you’re over 60 battery, or it won’t let you to install it, so i would highly
recommend plugging your phone into acharger, then you can successfully iOS 16 profiles, and also before you even start the update process, you should check that if you have connected to wi-fi, and make sure that your wifi connection is good,it also affects whether you can successfully iOS 16 profiles.